速報APP / 娛樂 / Card Magic(find your card)

Card Magic(find your card)





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:수원시 팔달구 팔달로3가 92번지 2층미리내 마술극단

Card Magic(find your card)(圖1)-速報App

Mirine Magic theater relase officail migic app!!

Supprising Card magic using your phone!

https://youtu.be/VRfAOm4kIsY <- how to use.

among 52 cards, funny magic application that to find the card which audience think!!

organised this app for people and Youth who have many interests in Magic with us.

promotion code is offered by taking our programs or event promotion. Otherwise, you need to purchase it.

Card Magic(find your card)(圖2)-速報App

-This Application is not refunded because of magic property after purchase it.

(please, send email for refund that by occurred app errors)

-available only on one phone

-recommend using over 7 years old

-level of difficulty is not high but need enough practice.

planning to update app in often. Please send feedback via email.

Card Magic(find your card)(圖3)-速報App

(Please come often to check for updates !!)

Card Magic(find your card)(圖4)-速報App